
Bundle Monster Create Your Own Stamping Plate Collection

***Purchased by me***

Hello everyone, long time no see, I'm sorry for the lack of posts lately but I broke a nail really bad on my swatching hand and it's still recovering. Be prepared to see my right hand in action for the next couple of weeks.
Today I will be showing you the new Bundle Monster Create Your Own Collection.

Once again, we here at Bundle Monster want to give a super heart-felt shout out to everyone who submitted their designs to our "2014 Create Your Own" (CYO) contest. Long process aside, we appreciated all the support and there is no better way to give back to our fans. With that said, we are happy to present to you the 2014 CYO Collection! 
PLATE SPECS: Plate Dimension: 5.5cm in Diameter. Make and Finish: Made of Stainless Steel and has a shiny, glossy finish with a "Bundle Monster" paper backing.

This set consists of 20 nail stamping plates with over 100 images created by Bundle Monster fans. 



The quality of the Bundle Monster plates is amazing, you always get a crisp image transferred onto your nails. 

This set is available at Bundle Monster website for a$12.99, I think this a great addition to any collection. 

Bundle Monster is always running specials and giveaways, if you don't want to miss them, like Bundle Monster on Facebook, follow them on TwitterInstagram and visit their website 

Thank you very much for reading!

***Purchased by me***

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