
And the Winner is... Y la Ganadora es...

And the Winner is....

La Ganadora es...

Victoria #41

Felicidades Victoria!!, me comunicaré contigo via email, si en 24 horas no has respondido escogeré a otro ganador.

Congratulations Victoria!!, I'll contact you via email, if in the next 24 hours I don't get an answer I'll pick another winner.

Aqui están los nombres en el orden como dejaron sus comentarios.

Here are the names in the order that they left the comments.

Para los que no ganaron, no se preocupen, tendré más sorteos en e futuro.
To those that did not win, don't worry, I will have more Giveaways in the future.

1. Steffie
2. Konad-licious
3. Kayagamez
4. Kelz86
5. Sara
6. Jadelights
7. Emilup
8. Smita
9. Alexa1202
10. Veronica
11. Thifa
12. Cupcakequeen22
13. Peripatetic33
14. Shapeless
15. Necessary*Nails
17. Savannah
18. Liz
19. Arwen
20. Astraea1976
21. Throuthehaze
22. YoursTruly
23. Andreea
24.Soffio di Dea
25. Kasy
26. Ipehihere
27. Skaki
28. Fleur
29. Rebie
30. Tessa
31. Nós
32. DeniseLuz
33. Jóias by ille
34. Fisiwoman
35. Binara
36. Camy
37. Sadi
38. Gates
39. Inés
40. Stefany
41. Victoria
42. Ginnn7
43. Ivana
45. Silvestargirl
46. IK
47. Kakau_Karina
48. Sarah
49. Lisa
50. Jessica G
51. Triszha
52. Shaima
53. Jules Dufresne
54. Sara.H
55. Lois
56. Millie
57. Clau
58. Sarah Hussain
59. Maryya
60. Joanne J
61. Daniela
62. Sidineia
63. Deanna
64. Cerceii Ilincai
65. Christine;D
66. Shazii
67. Wendy
68. Headtofoot
70. Marsídia
71. Hana
72. Tsiisfamke
73. Mlc
74. SH
75. April
76. SayAnythingBrooke
77. GraceWong

Gracias a todos por participar!!
Thank you to everyone for participated!!!


  1. Congrats to the winner :)

  2. Wow! Muchísimas gracias! NO puedo creer que sea tan afortunada jajaja, voy ahora mismito a revisar mi correo a ver si he recibido tu email.

  3. I was so close, hihi. :D Congrats Victoria!!! :)
